Octilium Sagl is a R&D SME with a large knowledge base and experience in data sciences applied to scientific and economic domains. The company counts a group of professionals with good experience in several application fields such as classical statistics applied to economic models, geodetic systems ad algorithms, blockchain technologies, big data technologies, business plan and risk assessment. Modern computational data analysis gives excellent opportunities for the development of new business cases in the rapidly developing fields of machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence.

Project Role

OCT will be strongly involved in Task 3.3 activities. For it, particular emphasis has been given to the topic of real-time analytics, which will be of value in the development of services aimed to healthcare, where immediate actions are often required. OCT can specifically contribute to promote the interoperability of the intended platforms, having addressed in the past similar issues in the development of interconnections of different IoT clusters where a streamlined exchange of data was needed. Through this expertise it will be involved in Task 4.1 to contribute to the Home/Health Monitoring Platform. Finally, in Task 4.4, OCT will focus on developing special tools for dementia in Patient Empowerment Tool such as memory games, memory aids and schedulers.

Related Expertise

OCT brings to the project a deep expertise in big data processing, the capability of handling in an optimized way the management of data from a large platform of ICT sensors and the preliminary assessment of a viable architecture for collecting data from large pilots, accumulated in pioneering applications in non-EU countries. OCT has a specific know-how in the design and optimization and exploitation of frameworks optimized for efficient distributed application working with intensive exchanges of data and access to non-local databases; the company has also developed novel solutions for low-/moderate-cost computer clustering, obtaining a substantial improvement in the processing speed of data analysis applications. A solid background in the major diverse fields suchn as economics, law and human sciences, nuclear physics and mathematics gives the company a strong core team of professionals, which are supported by fellow figures and external consultants contracted on a case-by-case basis, depending on the problem and application domain.

Team Members

Lionello Ferrazzini

He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from SSQEA/SUPSI and a federal diploma as analyst/programmer. He has 30+ year experience in private economy in business consulting and accounting, but also in computer systems management and database development and programming.

Dr. Flavio Fontana

He obtained the Italian Laurea degree in Nuclear Engineering summa cum laude in 1984. After having served in the Italian Army as Lieutenant of Artillery, he joined in 1986 the R&D division of the Pirelli Group in the development of optical telecommunications and fiberoptic systems. He played a major role in the deployment of Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, where he was one of the three co-authors of the main Pirelli patents. In the period 1990-1996 he managed the Pirelli R&D in the domain of ultrafast fiberoptic transmission, where he invented (with co-workers) the acoustooptical modelocked femtosecond fiber laser ASFODEL, awarded in 1994 of the Philip Morris Prize for Scientific Innovation, and demonstrated the first 1000km, Nx10 Gb/s WDM link based on nonlinear transmission concepts.